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Monday, September 12, 2011

Contagion: The Could-of-been Zombie Flick Of The Year

For the first half of the trailer for the new movie Contagion, I found myself wishfully hoping it was going to be about zombies.  Matt Damon battling the living dead!  What more could I ask for?  (I should probably mention that I have a completely heterosexual thing for Matt Damon.)  Anyways, it turns out the movie is about a virus that kills people... and then they just stay dead.

But watch this trailer and think of how amazing it could have been if when the doctor tells Matt Damon "your wife is dead", Damon says "what?  She's right there..."  And the camera pans to a moaning, stumbling, zombified Matt Damon wife!
Contagion Trailer - Warner Bros.

I'll probably still see it though, it actually looks pretty good...


  1. It doesn't have any zombies, but it's still a pretty good movie. I saw it this weekend and I would recommend watching it.

  2. YES! A zombie blog! keep it up, can't wait to read more

  3. Hmmm.. this opens up a whole new realm of possibilities for your blog: zombie movies that could have been!

  4. My zombie wife would be offended by such a film. Right honey? Arghhhhh......!
